Developmental Screening

Undergoing developmental screening does not require that a child is having a problem or has obvious delays in their development. It is actually a way for us as professionals and parents to be pro-active and help determine if more in-depth assessment might be needed for families. Studies have shown that the earlier a delay is recognized and intervention is started, the greater the improvements and chances to optimize their development. 
High quality developmental screening tools have been researched for detecting risks for delays and other developmental disorders. The Philippine Pediatric Society and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend developmental and behavioral screening at 9-, 18- and 30-months old with an additional screening for autism at 18 and 24-months of age. Additional screening can be done anytime the professional or parent has a concern. 


View additional facts about developmental monitoring and screening provided by


Read more on the difference between Developmental Screening and Assessment.

If your child requires a developmental assessment with a developmental-behavioral pediatrician, you may visit this page for the latest PSDBP directory