About this Site


    Welcome and thank you for visiting! 

My name is Dr. Angel Dy and my background work has been as a physician, early child development consultant and neuroscience enthusiast. In my years as a professional, I've been applying various trainings and learning in my work with families and children to support development through developmental screening and parent coaching to help parents and caregivers better understand the behaviors of young kiddos and build on the parent-child relationship for meaningful connections and learning. My vision has always been that all children be given an opportunity to survive and thrive from a very young age. In effect of that, my goal is that children and their caregivers can build secure and loving relationships that will support healthy brain development and optimize each child's growth. 


The Growing Brain PH is a project meant to support early childhood development of Filipino children. Creating this site is a bit of a leap for someone as introverted as myself, but I hope it's a leap towards spreading information to those who might find it useful.


As you explore the site, you will find the following resources:

Virtual Learning Sessions, which are regular free online virtual meets with parents where we talk about brain development and parenting of young children up to 5 years old. Upcoming events will be posted here and will usually require pre-registration. 

Parent Resources, short articles of different topics in early childhood development. I do write most of these articles myself based on clinical experience and backed by neuroscience and research. They're infrequent, but hopefully helpful! 

Shop, are sourced toys that are available for purchase. These are sorted by age with some tips and ideas for developmentally appropriate ways to use them in play. 

Clinic Services. I understand that some families may need more individualized attention, have more specific questions or might be experiencing developmental concerns more than the usual. To help with that, you may request for online consultations or set an appointment for a face-to-face session at our clinic. Don't hesitate to reach out.

Clinic Affiliates. The Growing Brain PH Medical Clinic is a co-working space for doctors and therapists. 





Assistant Professor, Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Great Valley Medical Center

Professional Training

Neurosequential Model of Therapeutics
DIR Floortime Provider and Training Leader, International Council for Development and Learning
International Training Program in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, UC Davis MIND Institute
PgCert Demography and Health, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
MD, MBA from the Ateneo School of Medicine and Public Health
Ongoing research and projects
Technology Transfer of Clinical and Molecular Advances in Autism
SKIDS: Screen Media Use by Young Children



The Neurosequential Network acknowledges that Angel Belle Dy has completed NMT Training Certification through the Phase I level. For more information on NMT Training Certification and the NMT Assessment Process, click here 



Dr. Angel Dy is an Expert Training Leader and DIRFloortime® Provider from the International Council on Developmental Learning.